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Session Chair with the Global EverGreening Alliance at the Accelerating Nature-based Solutions Conference, in Livingstone, Zambia, on ‘The roots of climate resilience in Africa’s Drylands: catalysing synergies between land restoration, community-building and peace’.  2024

Panelist at COP28 on behalf of Initiatives of Change International: 'Land restoration with carbon finance in Africa’ at the UNFCCC official side-event, ‘Indigenous peoples and local communities voices: faces of the Integrity Carbon Market’. 2023

Advisor for Transparency International: 'Governance mapping and assessment of the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative'. 2023

Policy brief writer for CIFOR-ICRAF: Engaging faith-based organisations in land restoration across Africa: insights and opportunities. 2022


Policy brief writer for the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs: 'A decade of Caux Dialogues on Environment and Security'. (2021)


Consultant for UNDP: Forging the synergies between rebuilding livelihoods and restoring landscapes in the Sahel. (2021-2022)

Co-Director of the 'Summer Academy on Land, Security and Climate'. In partnership with the Caux Dialogue on Land and Security, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and Triple Capital (2019-2023)

Writer/Director/Producer of the awardee videos for the 'Excellence in Land Restoration Awards' Ceremony at the Beating Famine in the Sahel Conference, Sheraton Hotel, Bamako, February 27th , 2019

Session convenor with the EverGreening Global Alliance for the Beating Famine in the Sahel Conference, Bamako, Mali, February, 2019.

Project research - collaborator with the Ministry of Reconciliation, Lambeth Palace, London.

Designer of communication strategy for ‘Regreening Africa’.  (2017-2018). Communications Consultant with World Agroforestry Centre/ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya. Funded by the European Union.


Idea and proposal developer for ‘Transforming pastoralist-farmer conflict in Nigeria’. (2017) Expert advisor to the Interfaith Mediation Centre, Kaduna, Nigeria. Winner of the 2017 United Nations Alliance of Civilisations/BMW Intercultural Innovation Award.


Designer and organiser of the ‘Dialogue on Land and Security’ in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya. (2017) Project coordinator. Funded by Elgeyo Marakwet County Government, National Drought Management Authority of Kenya, Initiatives of Change.


Co-organiser of symposium on ‘Healing and reconciling wounded memories: key elements in achieving holistic peace’. (2016) With Rev Dr Sam Kobia, Senior Advisor on Peace, Social Cohesion and Conflict Resolution to President Uhuru Kenyatta. Funded by Norwegian Church Aid.


Designer and organiser of the ‘Dialogue on Land and Security in Baringo County’, Kenya.  (2016) Project coordinator.  Funded by Baringo County Government, National Drought Management Authority, Coffey Kenya, Initiatives of Change

Production consultant for Oprah Winfey's TV series Belief, broadcast by OWN, USA.


Pre-launch research for the film Tchad – un chemin vers l’espoir in Chad (2015). Project Director. Funded by Pro Victimis, Geneva.


Project consultant for ‘Media and Mediation’ in Chad. (2013). Funded by UNDP


Transferring the peacebuilding methodologies depicted in the film An African Answer across Kenya. (2012-2014) Project Director. Funded by the United States Institute of Peace and Initiatives of Change UK.


Launch and dissemination of the film The Imam and the Pastor in Lebanon, Sudan and Egypt. (2008). Project Consultant. Funded by Pro Victimis and Initiatives of Change UK


Launch, dissemination and evaluation of the film The Imam and the Pastor in Nigeria. (2007) Project Director. Funded by the United States Institute of Peace and Initiatives of Change UK


Launch and dissemination of the film The Imam and the Pastor in the USA and UK. (2006-2007) Project Director. Funded by the United States Institute of Peace and Initiatives of Change UK

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